Information Technology Department (ITD)
Information Systems Acceptable Usage Policy @ DBU Online

The INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD) at DBU Online provide facilities to enhance the educational vision and facilitates access to information
Technology (IT) resources, communications networks, IT solutions and services to students, faculties, and staffs within the culture of openness, trust, and integrity amongst the user community to carry out their research and academic activities with improved efficiency .

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD) provides full freedom to utilize its infrastructure efficiently. This comes with additional responsibility of not misusing
the given freedom and respecting the rights of everyone. ITD is committed to protect itself, students, faculties, and staffs from unethical, illegal, or damaging actions by
individuals. ITD recommends certain restrictions towards bringing a healthier IT usage environment to meet the aspirations of user’s community at large. Any abuse
of the facility may have serious implications on the reputation and the standing of the University and can bring the facility of the University into disrepute. Such misuse of
the facility will not be tolerated.

The campus wide network at each school offers internet services to the entire campus community. Gigabit fibre channel with redundancy is implemented in the
backbone of the communication channel. The campus network is protected by firewall. To offer high quality seamless internet experience to each user. The optical fibre
leased lines are used for the internet needs of users residing or mobile at places like hostels, academic, buildings, faculty and staff quarters, guest house etc. Wireless
access points are available in campus to facilitate wireless network connection. To improve security and fairness, all campuses use firewall authentication for protected
access. It offers protection against worms, viruses, malwares, data loss, identity theft, etc. It also offers wireless security. A UTM account is created for every user
(students, faculties, and staffs) of the DBU Online  on joining. The number of concurrent devices allowed for a student, staff and faculty vary from campus to campus.

Restriction on upload / download is imposed per campus basis depending on bandwidth availability and other constraints. The bigger download requirements
which are of academic interest can be satisfied by sending request to a (itsolution@deshbhagatuniversity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in). Failure to report infractions of the policy shall also be considered as an act of omission in following the policy. Security breaches could result in reporting to disciplinary committee when any individual is indulged in violating the IT policy or rules of the University and Govt. regulations (IT Act 2000 / 2008/ further Amendments).

1. The users are allowed to access DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDEPARTMENT (ITD) computing system and network only with their authorization
credentials. Do NOT SHARE with or transfer to user id and passwords with others. These facilities are provided only for academic purposes, official Department
purposes and other Departments sanctioned activities as long as these.

a. Does not violate any law, University policy or IT act of the Government of India.
b. Does not interfere with the performance of DBU Online Dept. duties or work of an academic nature (as judged by the Vice Chancellor / Registrar / Campus Director)

c. Does not result in commercial gain or profit other than that allowed by the University

2. Users are responsible for all the internet accesses happening through their account. It is the users’ responsibility to protect their account from unauthorized use
by changing passwords periodically and using passwords that are not easily guessed Sharing of passwords for any purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited. If a
user lost / forgot his/her account password, please reset it at the earliest. Please approach IT support immediately for assistance, if required. It is strongly
recommended to change the passwords once in every 15 days. Also, for an improved service delivery over the Internet, users should keep their end device
(PC/Laptop/Mobile devices) with latest antivirus, and an up-to-date operating system.

3. Users are responsible for the content especially the shared content in their devices when they connect it to the network. They are responsible for the content
stored in the designated workspace allocated to them (example: file storage area, web pages, stored/archived emails, on Computer Labs or Department machines).
Users are responsible for protecting any information used and / or stored on their personal system(s) as well.

4. Users are responsible for all the network traffic generated by their computer. Physically tampering with network connections / equipment(s), connecting additional
(personal) network devices like Routers and Switches, or making exclusive use of network resources is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED in hostels and academic buildings.
Users are not allowed to set up his/her own Wi-Fi network which is connected to the campus backbone using routers or software like Connectify / Hotspot etc. Users are
not permitted to install proxy / torrent download games download /VPN/ direct download etc. Users are not allowed to engage in any activity with intent of
degrading the performance of the network.

5.Use of online ups supply which is supplied into the departments for computer system. Connecting (personal equipment(s), like Room Heater) and connecting
Heavy load Printer, Photostat Machine or heavy load equipment with online ups supply are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.

6.Use of network for creating, sending, storing, uploading, accessing, using, soliciting, publishing, or linking offensive, obscene, profane, or indecent images or
material is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED. Users are not allowed to create, send, store, upload., access, use, solicit, publish, or link material likely to cause annoyance,
inconvenience, distress, discrimination, sexual harassment, defamation, misrepresentation, misleading to some individuals or cultures based on gender, race,
religious beliefs, disability, political conviction, sexual preferences, age or otherwise. Users are not supposed to deal with material that infringes the intellectual property
(including copyright) of another person or organization. Users are not allowed to download pirated software or any suspect malware from the internet and spread the
same among other users.

7. Users are not allowed to use email services (or mail relays or fake emailers) and other network communication facilities to harass, offend, or annoy other users of the
network, including impeding their computing systems, software, or data. Users are not supposed to involve in sending emails or messages masquerading as another
person or to hide the sender’s identity. They are not allowed to send CHAIN letters, JUNK emails and should not involve in Spamming, Tunnelling, phishing, spoofing,
accessing torrents (peer to peer connections) and recreational downloads. Any communications sent by electronic means will be legally binding on the user initiating
the communication. The Designated system administrators have limited capability of account management and do not have access to individual mailboxes. However, as
a part of an investigation of any misdemeanour, the account in question can be accessed /blocked and user can be denied access to the email facility. Such
investigations /access typically require express approval from the Director in case of investigations against a faculty or a staff, or in case of an investigation against a
student. The email facility cannot be used for commercial gain or private profit other than that allowed by the university departments

8. Users are not allowed to do security related misuse which includes attempting to bypass firewalls and access rules in place, breaking security of the systems, trying to
capture passwords of other users, Damaging / Gaining access to the data of other users etc. Users are not allowed to setup servers of any kind (examples: web, mail,
proxy) that are visible to the world outside DBU Online. Users shall not download, install, or run security programs or utilities that reveal security weaknesses. Users
are not allowed to share information to third party which will allow circumvention of security systems by the third party.

9. Users are not allowed to cause physical damage to be computing or networking facility or property of DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD).

10. Users shall not make unauthorized copies of copyrighted software and documents, except as permitted by law or by the owner of the copyright. Copyrighted
materials belonging to the entities other than DBU may not, subject to the allowable exemptions, be transmitted by faculties, staffs, or students on DBU Online mail/ internet
system. Setting up a file sharing service (within LAN) which violates Intellectual property rights is not allowed. All users obtaining access to other companies’ or
individuals’ materials must respect all copyrights and may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission of copyright owner or as
may be permitted under the appropriate law. Each user shall observe all terms and conditions of the license agreement, under which the license to use any copyrighted
work has been obtained.

11. DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (TTD), routinely monitors usage pattern for its internet and intranet services. The reasons for this monitoring
are many, including cost analysis / allocation and management of the internet and intranet facilities etc.

12. Users are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED to indulge in cyber-crime / cybervandalism. The DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD),
whenever possible, gives all legitimate users the discretion to determine how to best use the computing resources and facilities within the guidelines of this policy. Users
are responsible for their actions, the consequences of those actions, and the consequences of negligent inaction. As such, users whose judgment leads to
activities inconsistent with the policy risk disciplinary action and possible imposition of restrictions to enforce the guidelines of this policy. The policy may change as and
when it is considered appropriate and new policies or the changes in policy will take effect immediately after a brief announcement by any means, Broadcast email, or
printed notices.

DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD) make take any breach of this policy as a sign of misconduct by the user and use may be subject to the
(A) Verbal warning
(B) Written warning
(C) Withdrawal of access and system privileges in part or whole
(D) Any combination of above Serious or repeated breaches of this policy can be constructed as serious or gross
misconduct, and disciplinary actions may include:
(A) Counselling
(B) Dismissal / Semester debarring / Year debarring / Drop Program
(C) Loss of benefits
(D) Legal proceedings in accordance with DBU Oline Rules or State Law
(E) Any combination of the above

Information Systems Acceptable Usage Agreement I have received a copy of DBU ONLINE INFORMATTON TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD) Acceptable Usage Policy. I have read the afore mentioned document, understood the same and agree to follow all policies that are set forth therein. I understand that this Acceptable Usage Policy applies to me, and I am aware that violations of this policy may subject me to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment /studies and / or any legal action. I indemnify DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (ITD), its officers, and other faculties, staffs and students of any damage, harm and liability arising out of breach of this policy by me or due to any negligence on my part. Furthermore, understand that this policy and document can be amended at any time by DBU ONLINE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (TTD). I further acknowledge that any changes in future to this policy may be communicated to me through physical or electronic means.